/* * switch.v * * Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 Mind Chasers Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * function: switch packet paths from RX to TX * */ `timescale 1ns /10ps module switch( input rstn, input clk, // PHY status input [3:0] phy_up, input [3:0] mode_100Mbit, // FIFO input data from RX FIFOs input [8:0] rx_d_01, input [8:0] rx_d_02, input [8:0] rx_d_03, input [8:0] rx_d_10, input [8:0] rx_d_12, input [8:0] rx_d_13, input [8:0] rx_d_20, input [8:0] rx_d_21, input [8:0] rx_d_23, input [8:0] rx_d_2u, input [8:0] rx_d_30, input [8:0] rx_d_31, input [8:0] rx_d_32, input [8:0] rx_d_u2, // RX FIFO read enables output reg rx_fifo_re_01, rx_fifo_re_02, rx_fifo_re_03, output reg rx_fifo_re_10, rx_fifo_re_12, rx_fifo_re_13, output reg rx_fifo_re_20, rx_fifo_re_21, rx_fifo_re_23, rx_fifo_re_2u, output reg rx_fifo_re_30, rx_fifo_re_31, rx_fifo_re_32, output reg rx_fifo_re_u2, // RX FIFO Empty flags input rx_fifo_empty_01, rx_fifo_empty_02, rx_fifo_empty_03, input rx_fifo_empty_10, rx_fifo_empty_12, rx_fifo_empty_13, input rx_fifo_empty_20, rx_fifo_empty_21, rx_fifo_empty_23, rx_fifo_empty_2u, input rx_fifo_empty_30, rx_fifo_empty_31, rx_fifo_empty_32, input rx_fifo_empty_u2, // TX FIFO output from internal muxes output reg [8:0] tx_d0, output reg [8:0] tx_d1, output reg [8:0] tx_d2, output reg [8:0] tx_d3, output [8:0] tx_du, // TX FIFO read enable inputs (need to route to RX output FIFOs) input [3:0] tx_fifo_re, output reg tx_fifo_we_u, // TX FIFO Empty Flags (need to route to RX output FIFOs) output reg [3:0] tx_fifo_empty, // TX modes for the PHYs and uc output reg [1:0] tx_mode0, output reg [1:0] tx_mode1, output reg [1:0] tx_mode2, output reg [1:0] tx_mode3, output reg tx_modeu, // TX state machine done flag input [3:0] tx_f, // TX custom packet input tx_metrics ); reg [2:0] tx0_src_sel; reg [2:0] tx1_src_sel; reg [2:0] tx2_src_sel; reg [2:0] tx3_src_sel; // IPG for Port 0 wire ipg_met; reg [6:0] ipg_cnt; reg [3:0] fr_100mbit_cnt; reg i_tx_fifo_we_u; `include "ethernet_params.v" `include "sgmii_params.v" localparam SEL_PHY0 = 3'b000, SEL_PHY1 = 3'b001, SEL_PHY2 = 3'b010, SEL_PHY3 = 3'b011, SEL_UC = 3'b111; assign ipg_met = ipg_cnt >= IPG ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; /* free running 100Mbit counter */ always @(posedge clk, negedge rstn) begin if ( !rstn ) fr_100mbit_cnt <= 4'd0; else if ( fr_100mbit_cnt == 4'd9 ) fr_100mbit_cnt <= 4'd0; else fr_100mbit_cnt <= fr_100mbit_cnt + 1; end /* IPG counter */ always @(posedge clk, negedge rstn) begin if ( !rstn ) ipg_cnt <= 7'd0; else if ( tx_f[0] && tx_mode0 >= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT ) ipg_cnt <= 7'd0; else if ( mode_100Mbit[0] && fr_100mbit_cnt == 4'd9 && !ipg_met ) ipg_cnt <= ipg_cnt + 1; else if ( !mode_100Mbit[0] && !ipg_met ) ipg_cnt <= ipg_cnt + 1; end // TX0 Switch Logic // Possible sources: 1, 2 always @(posedge clk, negedge rstn) if ( !rstn ) begin tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_AN; tx0_src_sel <= SEL_PHY1; end else if ( tx_f[0] ) case( tx_mode0 ) TX_MODE_AN: if ( phy_up[0] ) tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; TX_MODE_IDLE: if ( !phy_up[0] ) tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_AN; else if ( !ipg_met ) tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; else if (tx0_src_sel==SEL_PHY1 && !rx_fifo_empty_20 ) begin tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx0_src_sel <= SEL_PHY2; end else if (!rx_fifo_empty_10 ) begin tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx0_src_sel <= SEL_PHY1; end else if (!rx_fifo_empty_20 ) begin tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx0_src_sel <= SEL_PHY2; end TX_MODE_XMT_PKT: if ( !phy_up[0] ) tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_AN; else tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; default: tx_mode0 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; endcase // TX0 data mux always @(*) begin case(tx0_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: tx_d0 = 9'h000; SEL_PHY1: tx_d0 = rx_d_10; SEL_PHY2: tx_d0 = rx_d_20; SEL_UC: tx_d0 = 9'h000; default: tx_d0 = 9'h000; endcase end // TX0 FIFO read enable always @(*) begin rx_fifo_re_10 = 1'b0; rx_fifo_re_20 = 1'b0; rx_fifo_re_30 = 1'b0; case(tx0_src_sel) SEL_PHY1: rx_fifo_re_10 = tx_fifo_re[0]; SEL_PHY2: rx_fifo_re_20 = tx_fifo_re[0]; SEL_PHY3: rx_fifo_re_30 = tx_fifo_re[0]; endcase end // TX0 FIFO Empty Routing always @(*) begin case(tx0_src_sel) SEL_PHY1: tx_fifo_empty[0] = rx_fifo_empty_10; SEL_PHY2: tx_fifo_empty[0] = rx_fifo_empty_20; SEL_PHY3: tx_fifo_empty[0] = rx_fifo_empty_30; default: tx_fifo_empty[0] = 1'b1; endcase end // TX1 Switch Logic // Possible sources: 0, 3 always @(posedge clk, negedge rstn) if ( !rstn ) begin tx_mode1 <= TX_MODE_AN; tx1_src_sel <= SEL_PHY0; end else if ( tx_f[1] ) case( tx_mode1 ) TX_MODE_AN: if ( phy_up[1] ) tx_mode1 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; TX_MODE_IDLE: if ( !phy_up[1] ) tx_mode1 <= TX_MODE_AN; else if (tx1_src_sel==SEL_PHY0 && !rx_fifo_empty_31 ) begin tx_mode1 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx1_src_sel <= SEL_PHY3; end else if (!rx_fifo_empty_01 ) begin tx_mode1 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx1_src_sel <= SEL_PHY0; end else if (!rx_fifo_empty_31 ) begin tx_mode1 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx1_src_sel <= SEL_PHY3; end TX_MODE_XMT_PKT: if ( !phy_up[1] ) tx_mode1 <= TX_MODE_AN; else tx_mode1 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; default: tx_mode1 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; endcase // TX1 data mux always @(*) begin case(tx1_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: tx_d1 = rx_d_01; SEL_PHY1: tx_d1 = 9'h000; SEL_PHY2: tx_d1 = rx_d_21; SEL_PHY3: tx_d1 = rx_d_31; SEL_UC: tx_d1 = 9'h000; default: tx_d1 = 9'h000; endcase end // TX1 FIFO read enable always @(*) begin rx_fifo_re_01 = 1'b0; rx_fifo_re_21 = 1'b0; rx_fifo_re_31 = 1'b0; case(tx1_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: rx_fifo_re_01 = tx_fifo_re[1]; SEL_PHY2: rx_fifo_re_21 = tx_fifo_re[1]; SEL_PHY3: rx_fifo_re_31 = tx_fifo_re[1]; endcase end // TX1 FIFO Empty Routing always @(*) begin case(tx1_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: tx_fifo_empty[1] = rx_fifo_empty_01; SEL_PHY1: tx_fifo_empty[1] = 1'b1; SEL_PHY2: tx_fifo_empty[1] = rx_fifo_empty_21; SEL_PHY3: tx_fifo_empty[1] = rx_fifo_empty_31; SEL_UC: tx_fifo_empty[1] = 1'b1; default: tx_fifo_empty[1] = 1'b1; endcase end /* * TX2 Switch Logic * Possible Sources: 0, 1, UC * Note that for TX_MODE_XMT_METRICS, we set the source to be loopback, but it is expected that the * phy controller will use a combination of local memory and the metrics block for its data. These decisions * should be revisited when implementing loopback within this switch module. */ always @(posedge clk, negedge rstn) if ( !rstn ) begin tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_AN; tx2_src_sel <= SEL_PHY0; end else if ( tx_f[2] ) case( tx_mode2 ) TX_MODE_AN: if ( phy_up[2] ) tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; TX_MODE_IDLE: if ( !phy_up[2] ) tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_AN; else if (tx2_src_sel==SEL_PHY0 && !rx_fifo_empty_12 ) begin tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx2_src_sel <= SEL_PHY1; end else if (!rx_fifo_empty_02 ) begin tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx2_src_sel <= SEL_PHY0; end else if (!rx_fifo_empty_12 ) begin tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx2_src_sel <= SEL_PHY1; end else if (!rx_fifo_empty_u2) begin tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx2_src_sel <= SEL_UC; end else if (tx_metrics) begin tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_XMT_METRICS; tx2_src_sel <= SEL_PHY2; end TX_MODE_XMT_PKT: if ( !phy_up[2] ) tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_AN; else tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; default: tx_mode2 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; endcase // TX2 data mux always @(*) begin case(tx2_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: tx_d2 = rx_d_02; SEL_PHY1: tx_d2 = rx_d_12; SEL_PHY2: tx_d2 = 9'h000; SEL_UC: tx_d2 = rx_d_u2; default: tx_d2 = 9'h000; endcase end // TX2 FIFO read enable always @(*) begin rx_fifo_re_02 = 1'b0; rx_fifo_re_12 = 1'b0; rx_fifo_re_u2 = 1'b0; case(tx2_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: rx_fifo_re_02 = tx_fifo_re[2]; SEL_PHY1: rx_fifo_re_12 = tx_fifo_re[2]; SEL_UC: rx_fifo_re_u2 = tx_fifo_re[2]; endcase end // TX2 FIFO Empty Routing always @(*) begin case(tx2_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: tx_fifo_empty[2] = rx_fifo_empty_02; SEL_PHY1: tx_fifo_empty[2] = rx_fifo_empty_12; SEL_PHY2: tx_fifo_empty[2] = 1'b0; // this is done for metrics. SEL_UC: tx_fifo_empty[2] = rx_fifo_empty_u2; default: tx_fifo_empty[2] = 1'b1; endcase end // TX3 Switch Logic // Possible sources: 0, 1 always @(posedge clk, negedge rstn) if ( !rstn ) begin tx_mode3 <= TX_MODE_AN; tx3_src_sel <= SEL_PHY1; end else if ( tx_f[3] ) case( tx_mode3 ) TX_MODE_AN: if ( phy_up[3] ) tx_mode3 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; TX_MODE_IDLE: if ( !phy_up[3] ) tx_mode3 <= TX_MODE_AN; else if (tx3_src_sel==SEL_PHY1 && !rx_fifo_empty_03 ) begin tx_mode3 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx3_src_sel <= SEL_PHY0; end else if (!rx_fifo_empty_13 ) begin tx_mode3 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx3_src_sel <= SEL_PHY1; end else if (!rx_fifo_empty_03 ) begin tx_mode3 <= TX_MODE_XMT_PKT; tx3_src_sel <= SEL_PHY0; end TX_MODE_XMT_PKT: if ( !phy_up[3] ) tx_mode3 <= TX_MODE_AN; else tx_mode3 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; default: tx_mode3 <= TX_MODE_IDLE; endcase // TX3 data mux always @(*) begin case(tx3_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: tx_d3 = rx_d_03; SEL_PHY1: tx_d3 = rx_d_13; SEL_PHY2: tx_d3 = rx_d_23; SEL_PHY3: tx_d3 = 9'h000; SEL_UC: tx_d3 = 9'h000; default: tx_d3 = 9'h000; endcase end // TX3 FIFO read enable always @(*) begin rx_fifo_re_03 = 1'b0; rx_fifo_re_13 = 1'b0; rx_fifo_re_23 = 1'b0; case(tx3_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: rx_fifo_re_03 = tx_fifo_re[3]; SEL_PHY1: rx_fifo_re_13 = tx_fifo_re[3]; SEL_PHY2: rx_fifo_re_23 = tx_fifo_re[3]; endcase end // TX3 FIFO Empty Routing always @(*) begin case(tx3_src_sel) SEL_PHY0: tx_fifo_empty[3] = rx_fifo_empty_03; SEL_PHY1: tx_fifo_empty[3] = rx_fifo_empty_13; SEL_PHY2: tx_fifo_empty[3] = rx_fifo_empty_23; default: tx_fifo_empty[3] = 1'b1; endcase end /* * Transmit Logic for UC * * The only possible driver is PHY2 * * We need to delay the fifo_we one clock since the DPRAM read data comes out one clock delayed */ assign tx_du = rx_d_2u; always @(*) if ( !rx_fifo_empty_2u ) begin i_tx_fifo_we_u = 1'b1; rx_fifo_re_2u = 1'b1; end else begin i_tx_fifo_we_u = 1'b0; rx_fifo_re_2u = 1'b0; end always @(posedge clk, negedge rstn) if ( !rstn ) tx_fifo_we_u <= 1'b0; else tx_fifo_we_u <= i_tx_fifo_we_u; endmodule