/* * The Clear BSD License * Copyright 2017 NXP * All rights reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided * that the following conditions are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _FSL_DEBUG_CONSOLE_CONF_H_ #define _FSL_DEBUG_CONSOLE_CONF_H_ /****************Debug console configuration********************/ /*! @brief If Non-blocking mode is needed, please define it at project setting, * otherwise blocking mode is the default transfer mode. * Warning: If you want to use non-blocking transfer,please make sure the corresponding * IO interrupt is enable, otherwise there is no output. * And non-blocking is combine with buffer, no matter bare-metal or rtos. */ #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE_TRANSFER_NON_BLOCKING /*! @brief define the transmit buffer length which is used to store the multi task log, buffer is enabled automatically * when * non-blocking transfer is using, * This value will affect the RAM's ultilization, should be set per paltform's capability and software requirement. * If it is configured too small, log maybe missed , because the log will not be * buffered if the buffer is full, and the print will return immediately with -1. * And this value should be multiple of 4 to meet memory alignment. * */ #ifndef DEBUG_CONSOLE_TRANSMIT_BUFFER_LEN #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_TRANSMIT_BUFFER_LEN (512U) #endif /* DEBUG_CONSOLE_TRANSMIT_BUFFER_LEN */ /*! @brief define the receive buffer length which is used to store the user input, buffer is enabled automatically when * non-blocking transfer is using, * This value will affect the RAM's ultilization, should be set per paltform's capability and software requirement. * If it is configured too small, log maybe missed, because buffer will be overwrited if buffer is too small. * And this value should be multiple of 4 to meet memory alignment. * */ #ifndef DEBUG_CONSOLE_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LEN #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LEN (512U) #endif /* DEBUG_CONSOLE_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LEN */ #else #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_TRANSFER_BLOCKING #endif /* DEBUG_CONSOLE_TRANSFER_NON_BLOCKING */ /*!@ brief define the MAX log length debug console support , that is when you call printf("log", x);, the log * length can not bigger than this value. * This macro decide the local log buffer length, the buffer locate at stack, the stack maybe overflow if * the buffer is too big and current task stack size not big enough. */ #ifndef DEBUG_CONSOLE_PRINTF_MAX_LOG_LEN #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_PRINTF_MAX_LOG_LEN (128U) #endif /* DEBUG_CONSOLE_PRINTF_MAX_LOG_LEN */ /*!@ brief define the buffer support buffer scanf log length, that is when you call scanf("log", &x);, the log * length can not bigger than this value. * As same as the DEBUG_CONSOLE_BUFFER_PRINTF_MAX_LOG_LEN. */ #ifndef DEBUG_CONSOLE_SCANF_MAX_LOG_LEN #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_SCANF_MAX_LOG_LEN (20U) #endif /* DEBUG_CONSOLE_SCANF_MAX_LOG_LEN */ /*! @brief Debug console synchronization * User should not change these macro for synchronization mode, but add the * corresponding synchronization mechanism per different software environment. * Such as, if another RTOS is used, * add: * #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_XXXX 3 * in this configuration file and implement the synchronization in fsl.log.c. */ /*! @brief synchronization for baremetal software */ #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_BM 0 /*! @brief synchronization for freertos software */ #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_FREERTOS 1 /*! @brief RTOS synchronization mechanism disable * If not defined, default is enable, to avoid multitask log print mess. * If other RTOS is used, you can implement the RTOS's specific synchronization mechanism in fsl.log.c * If synchronization is disabled, log maybe messed on terminal. */ #ifndef DEBUG_CONSOLE_DISABLE_RTOS_SYNCHRONIZATION #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE_TRANSFER_NON_BLOCKING #ifdef FSL_RTOS_FREE_RTOS #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE DEBUG_CONSOLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_FREERTOS #else #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE DEBUG_CONSOLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_BM #endif /* FSL_RTOS_FREE_RTOS */ #else #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE DEBUG_CONSOLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_BM #endif /* DEBUG_CONSOLE_TRANSFER_NON_BLOCKING */ #endif /* DEBUG_CONSOLE_DISABLE_RTOS_SYNCHRONIZATION */ /*! @brief echo function support * If you want to use the echo function,please define DEBUG_CONSOLE_ENABLE_ECHO * at your project setting. */ #ifndef DEBUG_CONSOLE_ENABLE_ECHO #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_ENABLE_ECHO_FUNCTION 0 #else #define DEBUG_CONSOLE_ENABLE_ECHO_FUNCTION 1 #endif /* DEBUG_CONSOLE_ENABLE_ECHO */ /*********************************************************************/ /***************Debug console other configuration*********************/ /*! @brief Definition to printf the float number. */ #ifndef PRINTF_FLOAT_ENABLE #define PRINTF_FLOAT_ENABLE 0U #endif /* PRINTF_FLOAT_ENABLE */ /*! @brief Definition to scanf the float number. */ #ifndef SCANF_FLOAT_ENABLE #define SCANF_FLOAT_ENABLE 0U #endif /* SCANF_FLOAT_ENABLE */ /*! @brief Definition to support advanced format specifier for printf. */ #ifndef PRINTF_ADVANCED_ENABLE #define PRINTF_ADVANCED_ENABLE 0U #endif /* PRINTF_ADVANCED_ENABLE */ /*! @brief Definition to support advanced format specifier for scanf. */ #ifndef SCANF_ADVANCED_ENABLE #define SCANF_ADVANCED_ENABLE 0U #endif /* SCANF_ADVANCED_ENABLE */ /*! @brief Definition to select virtual com(USB CDC) as the debug console. */ #ifndef BOARD_USE_VIRTUALCOM #define BOARD_USE_VIRTUALCOM 0U #endif /*******************************************************************/ #endif /* _FSL_DEBUG_CONSOLE_CONF_H_ */